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Re: [oletrucks] Rust Question

To: <ADvent@thuntek.net>, "Steven C" <podunkjr@netscape.net>
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Rust Question
From: "Deve Krehbiel" <dkrehbiel@kscable.com>
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 15:48:33 -0600
Good advice if you live near Albuquerque or a big city but here in Kansas I
have searched and cant seem to find a place that dips the whole cab. Just
not enough demand I guess. Same thing for powder coating. So, there is a
place in Wichita called Kansas Dry Strip. They use glass beads and bead
blast the entire cab inside and out. There has been some speculation on this
list in the past about chemical dipping causing a serious problem with the
paint process. After awhile, the paint begins to peal near the seams because
it wasnt properly dried. I'm not sure what I would do if I had a choice..
luckily, there is no choice here, its dry stripping.

I have my appointment for next week to take the cab, fenders, bed and all
the parts too big for my blast cabinet to them. They say it takes about a
day or two, then I have to coat the parts with primer right away. Gonna be a
busy week next week!

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