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Re: Rolls-Royce P III overheating

To: "Awini Ambuj Shanker" <>
Subject: Re: Rolls-Royce P III overheating
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 23:41:44 -0700 said:
> a friend has just bought a Phantom III and it overheats,what could be
> the possible reasons? i believe a lot of P IIIs heat up, what is the
> solution to this problem?

One thing is that the radiators (and blocks) on these early cars tend to silt 
up.  Your friend should do a thorough flush on the cooling system, and if 
possible, a flow test on the radiator.  I don't know the PIII specs, but you 
hang a big can of water over the radiator, connect it with a rad hose, and 
time how long it takes to run, say, 20 gallons through.  It should be a matter 
of, oh, 20-30 seconds at a wild guess.

Your friend should also join the Rolls-Royce Owners Club (US) or RR 
Enthusiasts CLub (UK) for camaraderie and technical info like this.  The RROC 
at least has several very active (but members only) mailing lists.

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