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floor tiles

Subject: floor tiles
From: Eric J Petrevich/LRM<>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 22:46:33 -0500
Does anyone know where I can get the plastic floor tiles that they use in 
Sears stores under the power tool displays?  They are 1' tiles and 
interlock.  They are meant to be laid over and existing floor and raise you 
off of it.
I can't find them anywhere.  The Sears drones don't know anything about 
them, except that Sears doesn't sell them.

I've also seem them at some Home Depots in their power tool displays. 
Again, they don't sell them and don't know where you can get them.  One guy 
told me that HD was working on finding a supplier so they could handle 
them, but I've never seem them.

Thanks in advance.


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