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Re: Bearing Grease Packer

To: David Scheidt <>,
Subject: Re: Bearing Grease Packer
From: Richard George <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 06:53:38 -0700


Good point - I usually just pump a bunch of the desired grease into a ziploc 
bag, drop in a
bearing and just work it in...

(Richard George

> On Tue, 23 May 2000, Eric Murray wrote:
> :Never hesitating to ask a dumb question, let me ask
> :what's wrong with just stuffing grease in with your fingers?
> :
> :Do you get more grease in with the greaser?  Is it just faster?
> :Or does it help flush out the old dirty grease?
> It's faster, cleaner, and you're less likely to get dirt in the grease.
> I don't have a problem getting grease under my fingernails, but I don't feel
> I need to do it if I can avoid it.
> David Scheidt

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