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Re: Fuel injection

To: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@cs.utah.edu>
Subject: Re: Fuel injection
From: John Suchak <suchak@mediaone.net>
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 20:16:38 -0400
Once again this subject raises it's head and tweaks my curiousity..

Some time ago another lister mentioned that he was aware of someone
retrofitting the fuel injection from a VW Rabbit to a Spit, but that was the
extent of his knowledge I think..  Anybody else ever hear of this?  I'm
wondering if it's really worth the work when compared to properly set-up carbs.


Mark J Bradakis wrote:

> As far as I know, there is no simple kit to put fuel injection on
> a Spitfire.  RealSoonNow, though, I'm sure someone will get around to it.
> I've been meaning to install an electronic fuel injection system on the
> Killer Spit, as soon as I get the funds to buy the controller, the throttle
> bodies, the fuel plumbing, a laptop to tune it, a dyno to check it all out,
> et cetera.  Yep, RealSoonNow.
> But the technology is all available off the shelf, if one wants to cobble
> up a system for their car.
> mjb.

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