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78 Parts car for sale

To: "Spitfire" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: 78 Parts car for sale
From: "Huw Upshall" <hupshall@triumphcars.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 21:53:30 -0800
I know I sent an email out in december, Didn't get many hits plus I was to
busy with holiday stuff to do anything about it.  Anyway, I have a '78 Spit
parts car here in Seattle, WA.  I need it out of my garage.  Best offer gets

Photos are available:


You come and get it, brakes don't work, it steers, missing a few parts like
alternator & distributor but I have others of those sitting in storage if
you must have 'em.

I need this out of my garage ASAP.  I don't have the time to part it out.

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