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Re: 79 spit starting / carb issue

To: ~^ richard bonilla ~^ <richard@bonilla.com> (just say no to spam !)
Subject: Re: 79 spit starting / carb issue
From: Atwell Haines <karbuff@optonline.net>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 09:51:01 -0500
Hi Rich,

At 06:36 AM 3/10/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>1) i think i heard using the starter spary,

Is "spary" like a "fluif"?  <g>

>  is hard on the valves
>or other parts of the motor...opinions?

Never use the stuff, sorry.

In my mind, the engine would only be "running" on the spray for a couple 
seconds, anyway.  I don't see how this could damage the engine (unless it 
caused a backfire or something).

Is the gas fresh?  I've had a garden equipment that wouldn't start if the 
gas was more than 4 months old. Just like your Spit, the engines would run 
OK once started & warmed up.

>2) as i consider tinkering around w/the carb settings...where should
>i start?...float level? mixture?....just re build the card and
>"start over"?..

Start with the ignition, not the carb!

Check the spark plug gap, file the plug electrodes (this reduces firing 
voltage quite a bit), check/clean the inside of the dizzy cap and the 
rotor, and check the timing (I assume you have an electric ignition with a 
'79).  I would also verify that the vacuum lines are tight. Once you are 
sure this stuff is OK, then move on to the carb.

On the ZS, remove the top of the air piston and check the rubber diaphragm. 
Exposure to gas will affect the rubber quickly. (One of the Triumph shops 
around here changes diaphragms every tune up, just on General Principle.)

>thanx for replys...

PS, what kind of "army vehicle/Jeep" is that on your web page background?

Good luck,

Atwell Haines
'79 Spitfire
Succasunna, NJ USA

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