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Re: E-mail

To: Larry Vaughan <lvaughan@pldi.net>
Subject: Re: E-mail
From: Vic Whitmore <vicwhit@home.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 18:47:07 -0500
Don't be too bothered by it. I get that fairly regularly.

Vic Whitmore
76 Spitfire
Thornhill, Ontario

Larry Vaughan wrote:
> I usually save informative e-mail, to Spitfire, then delete all my e-mail.
> The next day, I usually have 1 to 3 of the last dated e-mails back again.
> Tonight I had deja vu all over again again. 8 or 9 e-mails dated 3/9/01 that
> I deleted yesterday, definitely before midnight. Anyone else having repeat
> e-mail?
> Larry

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