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NASS Mid Atlantic Wing Meet Tranny Tech

To: <nass@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: NASS Mid Atlantic Wing Meet Tranny Tech
From: <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 12:25:25 -0500
OK guys and gals...we need to nail down the date here.  I wouldn't mind it 
being sooner, but it looks like April 22 is the date that will work for 
Hopefully that will give me time to get the Spit6 mostly together and get 
the garage cleaned out a bit to make room for everything.

It looks like we've got three trannies for sure, with the owners all 
prepared to get grubby.
Jim Holmgren- single rail non-o/d   Art Fournier's- single rail o/d  and Ron 
Skovira's single?/3-rail?

Does everyone have the parts they need?

I obviously have the non-standard tools needed, as well as a few odd ball 
spare parts that might come in handy.  But it's up to the box owners to 
obviously have the parts they need. Standard tools are a good idea as well. 
for the most part, 7/16", 1/2", 9/16" wrenches and or sockets are all that 
are needed. A few screw drivers perhaps, and maybe some vise grips can be 
useful, but not much else is needed.  Obviously I only have so many of each 
wrench size to use, so everyone can't use mine all at the same time.  Also 
consider adding a bit of electrical tape or other colored tape to your 
tools, so they don't get mixed up with everyone else's.

The idea here is to use 'the facilities' I have here, to make the tasks at 
various levels of dis-assembly/assembly, much easier. Each owner will be 
doing much of the work, with everyone else in attendance, lending greasy 
hands and moral support.  :-)

Jim Holmgren's buddy (name?)  will be videographing the event. Hopefully 
enough material will be gathered to show all the tips and tricks and 'easy' 
ways to do the tasks required to rebuild a box successfully.

Gail will have munchies and lunch, and lots of coffee.  Consider bringing a 
second layer of clothing in case the weather turns cool. Also consider that 
second outer layer of clothes as a set that can get dirty(greasy) without 
your significant other getting too mad at you.  I've got plenty of latex 
gloves (and nitril gloves for your sensitive types) to try and keep the 
grease out of Gail's kitchen (and bathrooms and etc).

Don't feel like you need to be a nass member or something. This is wide open 
to simply anyone that would like to understand how to build rebuild a 
Spitfire/GT6 tranny.
Come one, come all.    I just need a final head count. Please respond to 
ptegler@cablespeed.com  with a subject line of     attending MANTT      (Mid 
Atlantic NASS Tranny Tech)

Location:   7850 Spruce Hill Rd  Severn, MD 21144  ( use   maps.google.com 
to look up the address)
Date:         April 22, 2006

Paul Tegler

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ptegler@cablespeed.com>
To: <nass@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: >>NASS = Mid Atlantic Wing Meet Tranny Tech

> OK....   So what works better for everyone... March 25, or April 15 or 22? 
> (guessing at weather conditions)
> I'd like to find at least one each..single rail, and a3-rail (with j and 
> d-type o/d's would be great) that people need rebuilt... and can afford 
> their own parts of course.   :-)
> If we can find exactly what boxes we'll be working on, we can organize 
> getting the right parts together in prep for that day.
> Also I'd like to define the people that are ready to actually 'get their 
> hands dirty' as well as who is prepared to take pictures and/or do some 
> videography doing the rebuilds.
> Paul Tegler
> ptegler@cablespeed.com
> www.teglerizer.com 

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