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Re: Spriterush

To: "Sprite List" <spridgets@Autox.Team.Net>, "Richard L. Bergstrom" <ric_bergstrom@juno.com>
Subject: Re: Spriterush
From: "Jeff Church" <jchurch@exis.net>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 00:32:12 -0500
Reply-to: "Jeff Church" <jchurch@exis.net>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net

I copied this off of Les Myers PDLJMPR Sprite page (a super site!!!) It was
written by Reid Trummel, President of Austin Healey Club.  I'm working up
the nerve and confidence to drive my Bugeye there.  BTW I enjoyed Berkley
this year. Your club did a fine job.

"In Carlisle, Pennsylvania in May of next year (May 11-14, 1998 to be
exact), there will be a very special event to celebrate the 40th anniversary
of the Austin-Healey Sprite. The event is called "Sprite Rush '98" and it
follows in the footsteps of Sprite Fest '88 and Sprite Bash '93, events
which celebrated the 30th and 35th anniversaries.

This is not a club-sponsored event (although it it certainly supported by
the clubs). Rather, every five years, a Sprite enthusiast by the name of
Rick Moses organizes these parties. By profession, Rick is a dentist, but
his passion is the Sprite. Rick lives in Hershey, Pennsylvania (where they
make the chocolate). Plans are already well underway for this party/
event/celebration, and if you own a Sprite, or just like Sprites, or are
just looking for a good party with British car nuts, then you really should
plan to go. I went to the event in 1988 and had a ball! What a hoot to see
so many Sprites and their fans in one place at one time!
Big Healey owners and their cars are just as welcome.

Rick even has a new toll-free phone number for promoting this event and his
other Sprite activities (he publishes his own Sprite newsletter and
maintains the Sprite Registry, all non-profit, of course). The toll-free
number is 1-888-5SPRITE (because there were five models of the Sprite if you
count the Austin Sprite -- with "Healey" dropped from the name as on the
very late cars).
Obviously there will be more publicity and announcements as we get closer to
the actual event, but you might want to mark your calendars now as this is a
once-every-five-years event where you will really have a ball. Cheers!"
Reid Trummel 1960 AH Sprite, among some bigger Healeys

Jeff Church
Chesapeake, VA

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard L. Bergstrom <ric_bergstrom@juno.com>
To: spridgets@autox.team.net <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Date: Friday, January 16, 1998 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: Spriterush

>Where, When, and what is SPRITERUSH?
>Ric Bergstrom
>Richmond, VA
>1973 Midget  1275                   '88 240 Volvo            '92 F150
>1974 Midget  1275  (currently in many little boxes)
>Central Virginia MG Club
>On Fri, 16 Jan 1998 11:45:21 -0400 Amy Soich <casoich@sgi.net> writes:
>> I am hoping to drive my sprite to it as well. I am only about 3 hours
>>from it though :) If anyone wanted to stop by my place on the way
>>pittsburgh) i'll join in the convey. Additionally, if anyone just
>>needed a
>>place to rest or work on their car, my doors are always open.
>>Looking forward to actually meeting all of you,
>>67 Sprite MkIV

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