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The porter book, 1998 update

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: The porter book, 1998 update
From: Mark Vanderlinden <mavanderlinden@dttus.com>
Date: 13 Jul 1999 18:48:32 -0500
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     Listers and listeners,
     After last weeks discussion on the (bad availability of the) Lindsay 
     Porter book on restauration of MG Midgets and AH Sprites, I decided to 
     give Borders a call. To my surprise, they supplied the book to me in 
     two days. I recieved it yesterday and it is an 1998 updated version 
     that is published by Haynes.
     So I guesss that solves the problem of it being out of print etc. BTW 
     price was $29.95.
     Happy mechanicing,
     AH Sprite '69 waiting for brake problem to be solved and paintjob

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