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Fwd: prayer

To: Mac6617@aol.com, Llywlyn@aol.com, gerylisa@email.msn.com, blugrashal@home.com, Bcearley75@aol.com, turtle871@hotmail.com, healeys@autox.team.net, heckeroth@hotmail.com, spridgets@autox.team.net, gmerry1@airmail.net, IrishDonO@aol.com, blpt@erols.com, superfliege@hotmail.com, troy.walling@ubspainewebber.com, alice-1@juno.com, terri_o'brien@unomaha.edu
Subject: Fwd: prayer
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 07:45:35 EDT
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Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:42:19 -0500
Subject: prayer
From Judi Crick <legends5jac at home.com>
To: Debbie Eggers <Corningal@aol.com>, Myrna Ford <BnMSpecial@aol.com>,
  Cindy Fox <cfox@esu10.org>, Teri FrerKing <blackcarnation@aol.com>,
  Pat Hastings <pkhfurman@hotmail.com>, Linda Holder
  <lindaholder@mindspring.com>, Karen Martin <bkmart@aol.com>, John
  Obrien <BANJOJOHN@aol.com>, Teri Obrien
  <Terri_O'Brien/CBA/UNO/UNEBR@unomail.unomaha.edu>, Gerry & Suzan
  Patterson <GPATTER455@aol.com>, Jim & Linda Pendergrass
  <JPEND6501@aol.com>, Jerry and Donna Quick <geraldquick@home.com>,
  Linda Shafer <cwshaferjr@home.com>

>A quick prayer chain.  Please pass this on to everyone.  Lets all say a
>prayer for the United States, the president and the military today.  The
>hijacking of four planes with United States citizens and then the crash of
>two of those planes into the world trade center and the crash of a third
>into the U.S. Pentagon that has left the country in a state of devastation
>and fear. Many people have lost loved ones.  We are a country that has been
>left in shock unparalleled in decades. Please pray that the government will
>find a way to keep us all safe, that the people will find a place of comfort
>with God and that the lives lost will not be for naught.  Pray that those
>people have found a place with God and give comfort to those left behind.
>Pray that those still alive can be saved and that the doctors, emergency
>staff, and military have God's hand upon them as they do their work.  Let's
>also pray for each other, that we all find a way to reach out to loved ones
>whose lives will be forever changed.  All of this we ask in Jesus' name.
>Pass this on please and stop RIGHT NOW and say a prayer.  Lord Be with us

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