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Re: Re: WTF?

To: Paul Asgeirsson <pasgeirsson@worldnet.att.net>,
Subject: Re: Re: WTF?
From: "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 17:13:21 GMT
As John Innes so insightfully perceives, not into "alternate" stuff, Pa (not 
that there's anything wrong with that...for others that

And as Biff so correctly points out....the Captain has the situation well in 
hand (actually, it require both hands:) and is in any event, Master of His 

"One must never become the slave of another based upon one's wants lest
he become weak, listless and fairylike!!"

Cap'n. Bob      '60 :{)

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