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Re: [midgetsprite] Whew!!!! What a relief!

To: "Larry B. Macy, Ph.D." <macy@bbl.med.upenn.edu>,
Subject: Re: [midgetsprite] Whew!!!! What a relief!
From: "Charlie Shelden" <shelden3@pldi.net>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 21:01:04 -0500
Don't you guys see what is happening, this is all a ploy by the big oil 
companies to get more money from us.  They did it on purpose, and I heard on 
Art Bell that Dick Chaney was on a hunting trip in Alaska and shot the 
pipeline on purpose in order to create a spill so that Halliburton could get 
a contract to clean it up, there by shutting down the supply to china and 
the west coast so as to drive up prices.  When will you guys ever get it???

Oh and for those wanting and looking forward to paying more for gas...all I 
can say is when you buy gas why not go ahead and pay the difference of what 
the going rate is and give it to your favorite charity, this way you can pay 
more and enjoy the good feeling on two fronts.

Now back to building my shop so I can finish my Sprite and get 30mpg.....


> But I was there. you just couldn't see me
> On Aug 8, 2006, at 00:06 AM, Robert A. Valentine wrote:
>> I say, blame it on somebody who wasn't there... and can't defend the
>> actions they didn't take.  ???  <Determined, yet confused look>

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