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RE: No LBC - Chevy Cavalier Problem

To: <bushwacker4@zoomtown.com>
Subject: RE: No LBC - Chevy Cavalier Problem
From: "Bill Miller \(LBCs\)" <lbcs@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 17:04:25 -0500
My van had a very similar problem.
It is the temperature sensor in the radiator (or t-stat housing)

There are two temperature sensors - one controls the gauge only.
The other, the one you need to replace, controls the computer.  It is quite
cheap.... <$10  
Make sure you get the correct one.


-----Original Message-----
... When it is cold and the ambient temp is cold, it idles really low to the
point that you have to keep a foot on the gas. After it gets up to the
normal operating temp it idles real fast ( 2- 3 K). 

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