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[Spridgets] [midgetsprite] Exhaust Pipe Recommendation Needed

Subject: [Spridgets] [midgetsprite] Exhaust Pipe Recommendation Needed
From: shop at justbrits.com (Shop at " Just Brits ")
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 18:41:47 -0600
References: <SNT135-ds12A092C1C922BF9B7C4CB8D4F00@phx.gbl> <8CD81480D10B08B-16E0-A9CD@webmail-m050.sysops.aol.com>
<< ...This is for a street Bugeye driven spiritedly. >>

OK fine, Howard.

<< We'll probably go .020 or .030 over...... >>

Then why not just .010 over ??

I am a VERY FIRM believer in NOT removing metal when NOT
necessary [ unless you are a "block hog"  & have a half-dozen
squirreled away - LOL ] !!  I was 'taught' that by my LONG
pal & machinest. 

'Course he also says, "No prob Ed, we can just re-sleeve the
block for $$$$.$$."  !!  And he says it with a straight face <G> !!

The day WILL come when the 1275 blocks are like the MG "T"
Series XPAG blocks:   EXPENSIVE & need sleeving <F> !!


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