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[Spridgets] Carb sysn

Subject: [Spridgets] Carb sysn
From: peter at nosimport.com (Peter Caldwell)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 14:30:34 -0500
References: <a0fks2$d5j0l3@email.mtu.edu> <9D00E860F18B4E2BB5237B9B9177A5EA@user8634b3d69b> <201108310629178.SM01424@TOSHIBA-USER3.nosimport.com> <D934097A-CB0C-43B9-9E9D-DB49430C3A1B@gmail.com>
Yep.  Or MOSS 366-300    They still have them.
At 02:17 PM 9/1/2011, Seth Jones wrote:
>Peter is that this thing?  I saw this in my February 62 issue of car 
>and driver
>On Aug 31, 2011 AD, at 8:29 AM, Peter Caldwell wrote:
>>In my opinion, the best synching tool is the S.U. kit with the 2 
>>wires. (there are other tools in the kit as well) I like it as the 
>>UniSyn is too variable... the reading changes as you move it around 
>>the face of the carbs, and it alters the carb's function as it is 
>>obstructing the flow.
>>The wires work at any RPM. They don't affect the running of the 
>>carbs.  They are actually giving you the relative height of the 
>>pistons which is directly affecting the needle height, and mixture. 
>>The Unisyn only gives you the relative butterfly opening which is 
>>valid if and only if the needles and piston weights and springs and 
>>piston interference are identical. The wires compensate for some of 
>>that. (not all as we are not actually reading mixture)
>>There, I've said it.   (oh, and the new Unisyns that I've seen are 
>>crap)  I have a selection of "Unisyns through the ages. From the 
>>German made Motometer, through Edelbrock, and newer.
>>Peter C

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