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Re: Ideal 302 flywheel weight??

To: Derek White <derekw@coppernet.zm>
Subject: Re: Ideal 302 flywheel weight??
From: Steve Laifman <SLaifman@SoCal.RR.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 11:32:23 -0700
Derek White wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> What would be a good weight for a flywheel on a fast road 302 tiger?? Engine
> has Comp Cams 268 cam, 9:1 compression.  I have found a flywheel (C5AE-6380)
> and I am not sure what a good weight would be. I suspect a lighter flywheel
> would be good for the tiger as it is lighter than most Fords.
> Thanks, derek


Lots of things go into the design of a flywheel. It has to be strong
enough to take the clutch loads and forces, dissipate the friction
generated heat, stay together under the torque loads and rpm, and have
enough inertia to idle smoothly.

Most all commercially made light weight flywheels meet all of these
requirements, excepting one. If they are truly light enough to make a
difference, you will notice a few changes:

1) Under "no load", blipping the throttle will cause the revs to climb
much more rapidly.  While powering acceleration, the same thing is true,
to a lesser degree, because part of the inertia of the entire
engine/drive train has been reduced. This will aid, to a degree, your
acceleration. How much depends on how wild you go, but it would only be
a really significant nature if it were very light, and replaced a truck
type flywheel which was very heavy. Where "every little bit helps", this
could be that extra "little bit".

2) On the other hand, it will hardly idle at under 1,000 rpm, as the
inertia is so reduced it will not idle smoothly at normal settings. This
is the price you pay. You ALWAYS pay a price for a modification. You are
the only judge of whether the benefit outweighs the cost.

It's kind of like straight through pipes vs. a good exhaust system. You
may gain a small power increase, at the cost of a much louder car. In
this case, it would NOT be a horsepower increase, but an inertia
decrease, which is part of the acceleration equation.


Steve Laifman        < Find out what is most    >
B9472289              < important in your life     >
                               < and don't let it get away!>

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