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Re: Tiger Prices

To: Tom Witt <wittsend@jps.net>
Subject: Re: Tiger Prices
From: Larry Paulick <larry.p@erols.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 19:06:50 -0700
Tom, I mentioned that Car and Driver did a TV piece on the Tiger several 
months ago, and NADA.  Ho Hum, I guess some just don't care.  

My Tiger has roll up windows, and power to blow the doors off a TR, MG, 
and I can fix it cheap.

So there!

If you think its worth $16K sell it.  But the community has to evaluate 
the car, and make up their own minds.


Tom Witt wrote:

>   I'm not mentioning the T-word, the R-word, the A-word etc. However, since
>Tiger prices were a topic of late I was looking at the E-bay "completed items"
>list under Sunbeam Tiger and saw that all the cars (five, I recall) never met
>reserve. Granted there was the 40K Mark II, but technically that car was
>pulled when the seller got an off Ebay offer. Thus, regardless of condition
>there seems to be a discrepancy in what the seller feels their car is worth
>and what the buyer is willing to pay (at this time).
> There are obviously exceptions, but has there ever been a classic buyers
>guide commentary published that would explain why a significant, rather
>unique, car like the Tiger has difficulty (in general) drawing a price that
>would seem appropriate when compared to many cars that are/were far more
>previlant and mundane that command higher values? It would seem that either
>the Tiger owner has an inflated value of their car (naw, not that), or it is
>the best kept secret around (yea!). I'm just curious if anything has ever been
>published on the matter.
>Tom Witt B9470101

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