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Re: High Gas Prices

To: Drmoonstone@aol.com
Subject: Re: High Gas Prices
From: Steve Sage <fastsage@cox.net>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 19:37:17 -0700
Drmoonstone@aol.com wrote:

>Different opinions, not assigning blame on anyone on this list. That was made 
>clear in my first post on this subject. If you took offense, I apologize. 
>None was meant as stated originally.
No offense taken by me. It's an interesting discussion and it's good to 
be able to talk about it. If we lived in North Korea we'd be shipped off 
to their Gulag for talk like this, (or if we were really lucky, we'd be 
shot!). Now I'm going out to support the oil companies in my 14 mile per 
gallon Tiger.

Steve Sage

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