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Re:Plastigage and the bottom end

Subject: Re:Plastigage and the bottom end
From: (Jack I Brooks)
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 1996 01:13:18 EST
References: <>

You said "Make sure and use plasigauge on them to verify you don't have a
ground crankshaft."

I am familiar with plasitigage, but not all of it's uses.  Are you are
suggesting using plastigage with the new bearings to insure that the
crank is the correct size for the bearings you just installed.  I am
confused.  I am planning on using a micrometer or vernier calipers to
check the journal sizes.  Isn't plastigage used as a final check to
verify clearance.

Pardon my ignorance.  I have not done a bottom end before but anticipate
doing it this winter; as soon as I prove to myself that the irregular
rattling noise I hear at the front of the engine is not water pump,
alternator or timing chain. in that order.  I just removed the fan belt;
the kids are asleep so I can't start the engine to see if the noise is
gone (water pump or alternator).  If the noise persists, I will remove
the timing cover and check out the chain, tensioner and sprockets.  If
all is well in these areas I will drop the oil sump, start disassembly
and measure and inspect each of the crank journals (bearing surfaces) for
size, wear, scoring etc.  This is a compilation of stuff I knew and
learned through the list.

The plastigage, I thought, was on final assembly, to insure I had the
proper gap between he new bearings and the crank.  Am I missing something
Roger?  List?

Thanks in advance from a soon to be christened, LBC wrenching newbie.

Jack Brooks
Hillsdale, New Jersey
1960 TR3-A TS69032L
1974 Norton Commando Roadster

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