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Re: mazda trannys

Subject: Re: mazda trannys
From: Mark Bryon Joslyn <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 1996 12:12:13 -0600 (CST)
Cc: Triumph mailing list <>
        Ken, if you do strike a deal with Pugh in Iowa city, I'm 
traveling home via IC for Christmas. I also know this guy as I lived 
in IC during my college years. He is indeed very strange and at the till Iwas
in school he would neither answer his door or phone untill after 4 pm, 
telling me that a good sportscar driver did not get up till then. At that 
time he had 15 or so tr3 & tr2 rotting behind his shop and would not part 
with them at any price. If I can help though let me know


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