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BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from ["Brian S. Thomas" <thomasb@

To: triumphs
Subject: BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from ["Brian S. Thomas" <>]
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 13:36:13 -0700 (MST)
     Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 10:27:07 -0500
     From: "Brian S. Thomas" <>
     Subject: Re: TR3 Brake Light Switch

At 08:57 PM 12/12/96 -0800, you wrote:
>At  9:56 PM 12/12/96 -0800, Jay Wassall wrote:
>>I am trying to find the brake light switch in my TR3 but cannot find it
>>anywhere.  It may not be installed.  Can someone tell me where it is
>>supposed to be?
>pop your bonnet and stand on the carb side of the engine. look down between
>the carbs to the bottom of the inner wings.  It should be sitting on the
>top of the frame.  There are two wires that come off the wiring harness and
>drop down to the switch.  Follow the wires down.

... unless you have a TR3 with Lockheed brakes (i.e. a '56), then the switch
is on the frame on the left side of the car.  Again follow the two wires,
and the pipe from the master cylinder - one goes to the clutch slave, the
other to the junction where the brake switch should be.


Brian S. Thomas                    e-mail: ThomasB@Post.QueensU.Ca      
Co-ordinator, Information Systems  v-mail: 613-545-2228         
Computing Centre                      fax: 613-545-2168
Queen's University                   home: 613-542-8110   
Kingston. Ontario  CANADA  K7L 3N6   toys: '54 TR2,'56 TR3,'67 TR4A,'80 TR8 

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  • BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from ["Brian S. Thomas" <>], Mark J Bradakis <=