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LBC's for sale....

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: LBC's for sale....
From: "Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 12:49:54 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)

  Hello all, I am acting on behalf of a Mr R Jackson.

Up until yesterday he was an avid classic car enthusiast. This morning
however he woke up and realised that he was too old to be messing about
under old cars anymore. He therefore contacted me in the hope that 
will be able to act as a salesman for all his cars so that he can use
the combined profits to buy himself an automatic Daewoo leganza.

The list is as follows:-

  Yellow MKIV Spit, for the adventurous enthusiast, rumoured to run.
  has O/D (so will you when you see the state it's in)

  Jensen interceptor, all original, buyer collects (with Vacumn cleaner)

  1962 Jag 3.8 saloon (hub cap). Very rare hub cap.
  Stolen by Mr jackson the first night he got drunk back in 1982.
  Has been stored in near perfect conditions (on a nail in Mr Jacksons

 Anyone interested in these items should reply to me with offers. 

  Johnny Storm :- International car salesman of dubious repute!

  '77 spit

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