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Re: Sputtering TR6

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Sputtering TR6
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 08:15:05 -0800
Chad Stretz wrote:

>Assuming that your ignition system is in excellent shape,  have you
>checked for
>loose throttle shafts?
>Did you have this problem before you installed the Grose-jets?  I'm curious if
>the float level is supposed to be set differently with them.

Ignition system is an Allison electronic ignition kit, with an Allison
sport coil and Allison silicone wires.  The current plugs are NGK BP5ES,
and probably have about 7,000 or 8,000 miles on them.  I've not yet removed
the plugs to inspect them.

I have always suspected that the throttle shafts are allowing some air to
pass... I've never had new bushings and throttle shafts installed, so worn
shafts is a very good possibility.  However, as I indicated before,
spraying carb cleaner around the shafts on either side of either carb does
not change the idle speed, and it should if air is getting in there, right?

I installed the grose jets YEARS ago... I don't remember anything about
having to use a different float level with the grose jets.  I do know that
the last time I set the floats, I set them at 5/8".

Thanks to all and Merry Christmas!!

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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