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TR3A Radiator Removal

Subject: TR3A Radiator Removal
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 12:09:08 -0500

Content-Disposition: inline; filename="BDY.TXT"

I got mine off after a long struggle. On one side, I was able to do it with a 
wrench by bending the closed end of the wrench to maybe 35 degrees, such that 
the part you grab is angling downward more than it would have. It clears 
something this way; I forget what. There is then just enough room to turn the 
bolt enough to swing the wrench around for the next 1/360th of a turn, and it 
takes forever, but it works.
On the other side I was somehow able to use a socket, but thinking back on it, 
that seems impossible. Maybe it was alternately the bent wrench and the socket, 
but whatever it was, it took a long time. I also had to brace my foot against 
the top of the opening in the apron to get enough leverage, and I think that 
was the day I dislocated my shoulder.
I will NOT reinstall the rad the same way.
Jim Wallace
From: "Paul Schneider" 

Are there any tips on removing the bottom two bolts holding in a TR3A
radiator?  I can see them. I can even touch them.  But......I can't get a
wrench on them.



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