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Triumphs versus wives, girlfriends, life partners and other miscellaneou

To: "'Lonn and Rhonda'" <>
Subject: Triumphs versus wives, girlfriends, life partners and other miscellaneous babble.
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 12:23:26 -0600

Lonn Howard wrote:

> Randall, don't make me kick your sorry butt . . .

I'm certain that you (and the other fractious contributors to this thread)
have at least a basic understanding of the concept of private email. I
wouldn't presume to tell you what you can and cannot do, but allow me to
suggest that you folks at least consider the possibility of taking these
ridiculous personal squabbles off the list and resolving your disputes among

Many thanks for considering this novel suggestion.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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