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Re: Yes, officer, I'll go home directly...

Subject: Re: Yes, officer, I'll go home directly...
From: Ed Woods <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 12:26:06 -0400
References: <>
Speaking of traffic citations:

I was pulled over for improper passing by a Florida State Patrolman in
1966. I was passing a slow moving truck on a hill and guess who crested
the hill coming toward me, just as I pulled in front of the truck?  Got
a ticket, but was allowed to proceed to South Carolina on the promise
that I'd mail a check! Maybe it was the MCAS sticker on the car. Still
have that momento, the ticket, that is.

Ed Woods

P.S. My LBC at that time was a '61 Healey 3000, the '57 TR3 had met its
end against the side of a Chevy Impala the previous December.

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