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Re: six pack in auz

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: six pack in auz
From: Bill Elliott <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 15:07:59 -0400
<<It's my impression that Fosters used to be a better beer than it is
now.  Or maybe I got more discriminating.  In any case, if I had a can
of Fosters and a can of Miller Genuine Draft in front of me, it'd be a
toss up as to which I'd drink.>>

You realize, of course, that the Fosters we enjoy now in the US is not
the same Fosters we used to get.  The new stuff is brewed in Canada and
is significantly inferior to the real stuff. They do have a "Bitter"
variety (green can)  now and I find it much better than the normal stuff
in the blue can.

Of course, I find both vastly superior to MGD, but I still understand
the point. My fridge contains Fosters, Sprechers (Milwaukee area only...
exceptional amber), Spotted Cow (WI microbrew), Guiness Draft, and
Guiness Extra Stout.  But I usually drink only Guiness.

So why the Fosters? What else you gonna drink when you settle down with
an old Barry Mckenzie movie???

Bill Elliott
Lake Barrington, IL

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