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RE: Tr3a front bumper mounting

Subject: RE: Tr3a front bumper mounting
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 17:29:23 -0700 o m>
> As an aside today, the secret of driving with drizzle and the top down
> faster :-P

I find 50mph to be about optimum for staying as dry as possible.  Much
faster than that causes the wind to start forcing water through various
leaks, including the seals inside the front fenders (which eventually drop
water onto my lap), and the seal under the windshield frame.  Not a problem
in a drizzle I suppose, but messier in a heavy rain.

> Is there anything between the front bumper mounting bracket and the body?
> Or does the bracket simply bolt against it?  Wouldn't this really scratch
> the heck out of the paint? Could there be a rubber "gasket" to protect the
> paint?

I don't believe there was anything there originally.  The apron is clamped
pretty firmly between the support and the bracket, the paint under the
bracket seems to survive fairly well.  But you could certainly cut some sort
of packing and put it in there ...


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