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The return of the Digest

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: The return of the Digest
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 09:48:11 +0100
I guess there were many who may have suffered withdrawal symptoms with the
absence of their daily fix this last week or so? Well done MJB for getting
us all back to talking again but perhaps it was no more than the spirit of
Joe Lucas causing havoc with email?
For my part, the lack of the daily digest has enabled me to spend *some*
time (not as much as I'd like) in preparing two Triumph Big Sixes for the
Big Day this coming Wednesday. There has been a frenzy of polishing and
vacuuming, both cars have ribbons strung from their front bumpers to the sun
visor supports - and big white bows on the radiator grilles. Not too sure
how consistent this perceived effeminacy is with the raucous roar coming out
of Canley Girl's tailpipe - but it'll have to do - and who the hell cares?
We'll be back in action from 11 Oct onwards and then I'll struggle in
putting together a website of a few pix of two polished Triumphs - with
maybe a Bride featuring in one or two?

Cheers all, Jonmac

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