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[TR] Re: Blogs

Subject: [TR] Re: Blogs
From: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:37:36 -0500 (EST)
Jonmac asked:
> Sorry to bomb the lists, but how many listers are there who
> regularly or periodically contribute to their own Blog?

Firstly, I have no idea how many there are who do such a thing.

Secondly and more to the point-ly, I've never understood the concept.

- Some newspaper columnists maintain blogs, but I can't help wondering: How is 
that different from writing a daily column?

- Some "ordinary people" (not that anyone is truly ordinary) maintain blogs.  
But the world is so full of chatter anyway that it is a tough task to decide 
which voices to hear and which to tune out (unashamedly mixing a few mataphors).

- And are not some blogs are open to public or restricted-public contribution 
from people other than their maintainers?  How is this different from a mere 
public conversation or traditional bulletin board?

- Were I to indulge in blogging, wouldn't it be presumptious to assume anyone 
else really wants to invest the time reading what are essentially my daily 
entires public diary?  Perhaps if the bloggings were focusesd on a subject such 
as an email list is, people might be interested.

Please explain it, someone of you more in tune with today's 
communication-overloaded culture.  All I can think of is how the Internet has 
disproven the old saw about enough monkeys with typewriters eventually typing 
the works of Shakespeare.  (And pleasse do not quote Wikipedia as your 
Jim Muller, feeling cantankerous

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