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[TR] TR3 B-Post and Seat Back Tacking Strips.

To: "'Triumph Mail List'" <>
Subject: [TR] TR3 B-Post and Seat Back Tacking Strips.
From: "Carl TR" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 08:44:34 -0400
What is the consensus on replacing the B-post tacking strip?  What came out 
of mine looked like twisted paper.

Scott - you said you used wood.  Do you have the dimensions?

I was thinking about using (I don't know what it is called) that marine 
plyboard-like stuff.  It is a soft plastic.  (may use it for tacking strip 
at the base of the seats as well). Of course, I haven't gone looking for it 

Suggestions appreciated....


----- Original Message ----- 
> I think you will find it easier to install the rear side panels before you
> install the rear panel that covers the tank.  What I did was to measure 
> the
> holes and approximate their location on the panel, then using a small hole
> cutting knife from my x-acto set I cut the hole through the vinyl and the
> padding, this helps to prevent the padding from being wound in the drill 
> bit
> when you drill a pilot hole and then the screw when you put it in.   I 
> know
> that I probably missed the original holes but some fraction of an inch but
> as long as they were equal on both sides of the car the appearance was not
> affected.
> The strip of 'wood' along the "B" post is to tack the fuzzy draft blocker
> into place, you should screw into the metal that is just aft of this.
> Good luck,
> Bill Beecher
> '
> -----Original Message-----
> I was able to install the inner wheel well covers on my TR3A this weekend
> with good results. The next step after installing the rear panel that 
> covers
> the gas tank, and the rear cappings, is the two side panels. I can see the
> holes that the finishing screws go into on the body, and the holes on the
> capings,that line up with these but the interior panels do not have any
> holes except for the two large holes for the screws to go through that
> secure the top bow. I thought I could put the screws in and put a touch of
> paint on the heads (taping them first) and then push the panel in place to
> mark the location of the holes, then punch through using an awl. Also, I
> assume that the B post that has the strip of wood also takes some screws,
> but without the holes in the panel, and none on the wood (I had to replace
> these as the originals were roted out), I am not sure where these would 
> go.
> Any thoughts from those that have BTDT on how to get these holes marked
> correctly so that all line up properely?  TIA
> Scott Suhring
> Mechanicsburg, PA
> '70 TR6
> '59 TR3A

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