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Re: [TR] Triumph Bendix Radio

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Triumph Bendix Radio
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 15:21:55 -0700
> I wonder if it would
> work to
> add D-cell batteries (1.5 V) in series,

Should work fine.  Duct tape makes a suitable temporary battery holder <G>

Or, you could use some sort of resistance to drop the voltage from your
battery.  I don't know offhand how much current those radios draw at low
voltage, but I would guess that an incandescent 12v test light would do as a
starting point.

For the sake of completeness, I'll point out that the best way to do this is
to remove the suspect capacitor from the circuit, and apply its rated
voltage through a high resistance (like 50,000 ohms).  Such resistors are
readily available from Radio Shack, etc. but removing the capacitor from the
circuit without damaging anything can be tricky.

Another alternative, of course, is to just replace it.

-- Randall 
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