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[TR] Is this a first?

Subject: [TR] Is this a first?
From: tfansher at (Thomas Fansher)
Date: Tue, 1 May 2018 10:29:24 -0700
References: <002801d3e07c$769a0c10$63ce2430$> <002c01d3e136$3a2d5790$ae8806b0$>
?Hey doctor, any way to take away the pain and keep the swelling??

Just a thought

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 1, 2018, at 3:21 AM, Alex & Janet Thomson <aljlthomson at> 
> wrote:
> Many years ago when raking hay with an open tractor, I opened up a ground 
> nest of either yellow jackets or some other hornet family. Even banging the 
> tractor into high gear and screaming across the field in high gear at a 
> stately 18 MPH wasn?t enough to stay ahead of them. I?m not sure what hurt 
> more ? getting stung or slapping myself in the head to kill them.
> Many years ago when working around the house in shorts, a wasp flew up a pant 
> leg and decided to start stinging. Again, I?m not sure what hurt more ? 
> slapping myself in the male anatomy area or getting stung. All I know is that 
> I could have been a member of a freak show at a circus for several days.  
> Alright, I can hear some of you guys laughing now!
> But, no joke. Getting hit with stingers when driving can be disastrous. Even 
> getting a bug in an eye is serious. And for those who are seriously allergic 
> to stings ? no more needs to be said.
> Alex Thomson
> From: Triumphs [mailto:triumphs-bounces at] On Behalf Of 
> Andrew Uprichard
> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 8:12 AM
> To: triumphs at
> Subject: [TR] Is this a first?
> Sunday afternoon, 5pm: after doing yard work all day, I decided to take my 
> small-mouth TR3 out for a spin.  Coming up a country road at around 80, I 
> felt a sharp pain in my neck, followed shortly thereafter by an equally sharp 
> pain in my chest.  A wasp (or hornet, or whatever) had flown down my 
> open-neck shirt and wasn?t happy.  Neither was I !!
> Trying to stop the car and extricate myself from my four-point harness while 
> being stung must have been a  hilarious picture!
> Finally I pulled over and removed the little so-and-so from my abdominal wall.
> I am allergic to all kinds of stings, so here I am with 4 enormous welts 
> ranging from my neck to my navel.
> But don?t we love our little British cars  J
> Andrew Uprichard
> Jackson, Michigan
> ** triumphs at **
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