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Re: MGA flywheel lightening Q

To: Bill Putnam <>
Subject: Re: MGA flywheel lightening Q
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 08:26:41 -0500
>A friend of mine is rebuilding his MGA engine and
>would like to lighten the flywheel.  It is a 1622.
>Are there any guidelines about how much material
>to remove and where to remove it from?
My best advice, having witnessed flywheel explosions twice, is to remove the
flywheel from the end of the crank, place it in the "save in case I put it
back on the street" pile, and get an aluminium flywheel.  I pay about $600
CDN ($390 US) for custom made flywheels with replaceable wear surfaces and
get them set up for Tilton type clutches.  They can also be drilled for
stock clutches, of course, but the real clutch and pressure plate out-last
most racecars (the sintered plate on my Mini is now in it's third car!) and
save big time if stock type clutches wear out fast on your car!  (Also,
what's the price of a single lost weekend if the clutch fails halfway
through the weekend?)

Also, the real benefit performance-wise is the aluminium flywheel/Tilton
setup is far lighter than any lightened stock setup, and REALLY wakes up the
engine!  I had to gulp hard when I shelled out the cash the first time - now
it's first on the budget when I start a new car build-up.

Brian Evans
Director, ISP Marketing
UUNET Canada Inc.
20 Bay Street, Suite 1910
Toronto, ON, M5J 2N8

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