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Re: Spring Sprints

Subject: Re: Spring Sprints
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 14:45:08 EDT
While we are posting experiences at the LRP Spring Sprints,  I guess I'll add 
mine.  To start with, it was a most enjoyable weekend, as they usually are.  
Many thanks to Jeff Brown, and all the workers for a job well done.  
I was in the clouds for a while, when my crew told me I turned a 1:07.22, and 
a 1:01.99.....The 1:07.22 I could almost believe, but a 1:01.99?   Healeys 
just don't go that fast.  I re-checked my Robic, and found it to be off as 
much as 10 seconds!  Threw away the robic, and with the trusty Timex, found I 
was turning 1:11's, Whew,....That's more like it.  
Anyone else ever have a problem with their Robic?


Healey Hundred, #102

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