[6pack] mallory dizzy

Jimmy Richards andr.jrsquared at verizon.net
Mon Nov 3 13:43:58 MST 2008

Oh wise ones, 


I have a 74 TR6 with a warmed over engine.


I have a Mallory dual point dizzy, part number 2767801.  I plan to use it
without the vacuum advanced.   It was installed with the point gaps set to
35 degrees of total dwell, and the static timing set at 12 degrees btdc.
When  I checked for total advance at 3500 rpm, it was 16 degrees btdc.  I'm
guessing that means there's a whopping 4 degrees of mechanical advance.


After dismantling the unit and looking at the information online, there
appears to be a couple of adjustable stops  that set the full advance.  The
instructions say that you set the mechanical advance with a "key".   I would
like to set the full mechanical advance to 24 degrees.  


Since the advance curve kit that comes with the key and springs costs $40 -
$50, I would rather not buy it.   As far as I can tell, I need a YL style
advance key.


Could someone out there with this dizzy and the key give me the dimension
from the key that sets the full advance to 24 degrees.



Jimmy Richards

74 TR-6  Black


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