[6pack] fuel line issues

Oliver sumton at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 3 15:52:22 MST 2008

tempted as i am to ask about dot 3, 4,or 5, or tire sizes, i actually have 
another question.

last long trip i had a fuel issue.  put in temporary electric pump and drove 
home.  replaced mechanical fuel pump, had another fuel issue.

drained the tank, took it out to be refurbed professionally, replaced all 
the rubber hoses, and put carb cleaner in and blew it out, several times 
each end.

put the fuel back in, drove the car, filled it up, and just had the same 
issue.  put the electric pump back in, no fuel in the see through filter up 

rocked the car up and down a dozen times, and got fuel through to the 
filter.  reconnected the mechanical one, took out the electric, and drove 

i'm thinking i should not have put that gas back in the car; there's 
something floating in it?  or did i not sufficiently clean out the steel 
fuel line?

and what to do now?  can i use bottles and bottles of carb cleaner instead? 

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