[6pack] fuel line issues

Bob yellowtr at adelphia.net
Mon Nov 3 17:32:37 MST 2008

On Monday 03 November 2008 17:52:22 Oliver wrote:
> tempted as i am to ask about dot 3, 4,or 5, or tire sizes, i actually have
> another question.
> last long trip i had a fuel issue.  put in temporary electric pump and
> drove home.  replaced mechanical fuel pump, had another fuel issue.
> drained the tank, took it out to be refurbed professionally, replaced all
> the rubber hoses, and put carb cleaner in and blew it out, several times
> each end.
> put the fuel back in, drove the car, filled it up, and just had the same
> issue.  put the electric pump back in, no fuel in the see through filter up
> front.
> rocked the car up and down a dozen times, and got fuel through to the
> filter.  reconnected the mechanical one, took out the electric, and drove
> home.
> i'm thinking i should not have put that gas back in the car; there's
> something floating in it?  or did i not sufficiently clean out the steel
> fuel line?
> and what to do now?  can i use bottles and bottles of carb cleaner instead?
> _______________________________________________

What I would do is dis-connect the fuel line at the rubber hose entering the 
fuel pump and hold it down a bit. When the end of the open pipe is below the 
fuel level in the tank, gas should flow out the gas line. That is unless you 
have a plug up or a vent problem.

If you re-use suspect gas, it is best to run it through a filter of some sort. 
Those filters you get at the auto paint store with a regular funnel work 
great for that application.


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