[6pack] Leaky card - part II

Martin Romagni mrdr3600 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 19 10:15:55 MDT 2008

Hey everyone,

Took a look through the archives and I
think I may have a
first. Recall my posts last week where I had a
leaky carb. Tried  a few
things, but ended up taking the carbs off
the car. So today, I removed the
float bowl to get at the problem.
When I went to pry the float loose to test
it, the steel clip that
holds the float came off too  yikes! It appears that
the PO, had
glued the steel clip in place.

Here is the picture

So it looks like my choices are to 1)
throw out that carb and replace
it with another or can I glue
that clip back in place? I was thinking of
using JB Weld to glue it

Thoughts and thanks in advance?


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