[6pack] Answer to LED/Flasher problem

Couzelis,William M. William.Couzelis at CNA.com
Thu Dec 3 14:06:31 MST 2009

The question of why my turn signals didn't work with LED bulbs and the
NAPA solid state flasher switch has been resolved thanks in large part
to Vance and the the guys at Litezupp.  I thought this might help others
and save them money.
I tried to save money by buying 360 Turners LED's for all 4 of my turn
signals ($5.99 each).  I also bought the NAPA soid-state flasher switch
for about $30.00.  After much trial and error, I decided to just put my
regular bulbs back in the fronts.  Everything worked fine at that point.
I spoke with the guys at Litezupp and they have an LED dual filement for
the front that has a built in reisitor that allows the flasher switch to
work (the 360 bulb had no resistor).  Their research and testing has
saved everyone the headache of installing a resistor in-line, etc.
Their bulbs are about $25.00 each but well worth it.   www.litezupp.com


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