[6pack] Clunky rear

TR250Driver at aol.com TR250Driver at aol.com
Mon Feb 16 07:21:47 MST 2009

In a message dated 2/16/2009 3:58:16 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
mailkendall at sbcglobal.net writes:

I am most likely to get the clunk when turning while pulling away from  a 

I had a real bad clunk in the TR250 whilst turning right from a stop at  a 
slight incline.  If was so bad that Bev would look at me an say " What  the Heck 
was that?" No other real problems other than this one  clunk. Lot's of things 
to suspect, wire wheels, axle splines and diff  mounts.
However, now that we have the 250 in pieces and the frame  sandblasted a big 
surprise to me was that the frame was "all cracked  up" in various places.  
Not just at the diff mounts which were  all gusseted some time ago, just tiny 
little stress cracks in various places  all over the frame. Terry, my metal man, 
pointed them out along with the rust,  etc.  Going to take some time and new 
metal pieces but my  frame can be repaired. I wonder if all those tiny little 
stress  cracks played a role to create that big  clunk?  

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