[6pack] Fw: VTR Password Issue

oliver sumton at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 1 13:01:42 MST 2010

I'll just add that I appreciate Blake responding so quickly and positively. 
and of course I plan to renew!

From: "Blake Discher" <bdischer at vtr.org>
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 1:14 PM
To: "oliver" <sumton at sbcglobal.net>; "Vintage Triumph Register"
<membership at vtr.org>; "Mailing list for VTR Board" <VTR-board at vtr.org>
Subject: VTR Password Issue

> On Mar 1, 2010, at 9:08 AM, oliver wrote:
> I just received an email from the Vintage Triumph Register.  every email
> they send out has your username and password in clear text. help me out
> people - this is the most egregious security practice I have ever seen.
> please send them an email and tell them to stop this practice!!!!!  tell
> them you will not renew until they cease this incredibly amateurish habit.
> their email is membership at vtr.org
> Hello David,
> Back in January, I had a much less public email exchange with another
> member who shared your concern about the clear text mailings of passwords.
> His email to me was a result of the password being included in the
> periodic eUpdates that were mailed to members.  After that exchange, I
> discontinued adding it to the eUpdates, effective with the February, 2010
> issue.
> You don't mention what correspondence specifically included the password,
> but after reviewing your record in the membership database, I see your
> membership expires 30 days from today, and I concluded it was the request
> for renewal.
> David, we're just a small group of dedicated volunteers, and to be honest,
> had I remembered those series of emails to members whose memberships are
> about to expire, I would have certainly edited those templates to also
> remove the password.  I just plain forgot they were out there.  I have
> indeed edited them and snooped around the software further to ascertain
> what other automated mail templates may exist with the password field in
> place.  As far as I know, I got them all.
> Thank you for pointing out this issue and thank you for your continued
> support of VTR.  After you renew, I will ask Bill Lynn, VTR's Membership
> Secretary, to extend you membership three months for your trouble.  In the
> future, if you have questions regarding VTR, please address them to me or
> any board member rather than the Auto-X Triumph list.  VTR does not run
> that listserve and I don't check it on a daily basis.  You can also feel
> free to give me a call as well, my number is in my signature block.
> Best regards,
> Blake
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Blake J. Discher, President
> Vintage Triumph Register
> http://www.vtr.org |  P 313.259.4460 | F 313.447.4100= 

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