[British-cars] [morris_motors] SAN DIEGO BRITISH CAR DAY AND PICNIC

rfeibusch1 at earthlink.net rfeibusch1 at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 4 13:34:00 MDT 2008

   -----Original Message-----

     From: Bob Tarpenning

   These guys really know to kill a car show.
   Bob T
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   Blame  the  local governments - We lost the Woodley Park venue because
   they  dumped some of the same on us - no vendors, no food (people were
   sending  out  for  pizza and Chinese take-away) - they even forbid the
   contracted  city  vendor,  Buritto  King  to  get  any closer than the
   parling  lot  and  then sell only ice cream, candy and soft drinks, no
   band  or  PA, no cars for sale (I said fug'em on that), plus we had to
   hire rangers for "security" and pay two grand for insurance.  300 cars
   showed,  we  lost  a  bunch  of money and participants lost confidence
   because the show was not as good as before.
   I  tried  for  years  to  find another venue that was not an expensive
   hotel parking lot east of the 605 in Orange County.
   We  were  so  lucky  to get the Brisbane venue up in NorCal to replace
   Palo  Alto.   PA  wanted  us  to team with a local Merchants Assn. and
   non-profit  and  move the event to a "shopping street" without vendors
   and let the local restaurants and shops take up the slack......
   This is the future folks... get used to it - your choice will be local
   "cruise  nights,"  and  morning  "coffee runs" or BIG FAIRGROUND SHOWS
   like  the  Good  Guys in Pomona or Pleasanton - but be ready to suffer
   insults  like  "teabagger cars" and "l'ill put-puts" unless you cram a
   V8  in your Minor (Like Bill Czerwinski) where they will just refer to
   you as crazy and ask it it is a Willys???
   Rick Feibusch
   BritishCarNetwork at gmail.com

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