CAHC: Tours to Richland, FIRST DRAFT

Daniels, Phil Phil.Daniels at METROKC.GOV
Mon Jul 9 09:27:00 MDT 2007

A Northern route.

Beckie and I will be traveling over Highway 2 Sunday.
Leaving Woodinville at 8:00.
If we hear from any one in the Wenatchee area, we can maybe hook up with
them around 9:30.
We plan to travel South from there in a meandering way hopefully
avoiding freeways.
Into the hotel by mid-afternoon.

Let us know if you are interested in joining us and we can establish
some meeting points.

-----Original Message-----
From: cahc-bounces at [mailto:cahc-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Byron Krystad
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 1:35 PM
To: cahc at
Subject: CAHC: Tours to Richland, FIRST DRAFT

Okay, folks, here we go. This is the information I received last week.
Let's look this over and make our decisions this week so we can get
everyone connected who wants to be.

Send me the flak, and I'll send a final draft by mid-week.

-Byron Krystad
CAHC Activities
bkrystad at

TOUR A: Saturday 14 July
Description: tbd

Cars: Lois Buhman; Jan and Dennis Saxon; Jahn and Doris

Contact: Lois Buhman (neilandlois at

TOUR B: Sunday 15 July
Description:  Leaving Olympia Sunday AM, time TBD. Taking back roads
south to US 12, heading east through Packwood and over White Pass to
Yakima. Taking WA 24 through Moxiee City, then south on WA 240,
through Hanford Nuclear Reservation, to Richland.

Cars: Walt and Zoe Harrison; Earl and Ann Kagna (Victoria); Gordie and
Billie McLachlan (Vancouver)

Contact: Walt Harrison (wzharrison at

NOTE: Dennis Hughes has requested a tour on I-90 Sunday, leaving
early. Anyone considering this on Sunday? Please contact me and Dennis
so we can hook you up.

TOUR C: Monday 16 July
Description: Probably an I-90 route to get to the east side of the
mountains, then one of a few options, we'll pick later this week when
we know who's going along.

Cars: Byron Krystad; Richard and Gretchen Bittman; Alex and Ellie
Athie; John Snyder; Sheila Findlay; Greg Hill

Contact: Byron Krystad (bkrystad at

TOUR D: Monday 16 July

Description: Departing Portland on Monday morning: Reid's blue and
white 100 followed by his Jeep Cherokee which will be towing the
Healey boat. We're looking at a mid-morning
departure, after breakfast, to arrive at Richland at midday. We'll
head east on I-84 to Hood River, then cross the river to continue
eastbound on WA 14 to that last little bit on 395 into Richland

Cars: Reid Trummel et al from the Portland area

TOUR E: Monday 16 July

Description: I am taking the Big Healey to Packwood Sunday for an
autocross.  If I survive
that trip, I will be trading cars (to the Sprite) on the trailer and
leaving Monday sometime.  I can join in any convoy Monday.  For those
in a Monday mode, my cell number is 206 261-3232.  If you break down
and need a trailer transport, call me!  You can use my Bugeye and I
will haul your beast to wherever.  Actually the same applies to Sunday
folks, too.  If you crash--you call.  No member left behind.

Cars: Craig Anderson (truck and trailer)

Contact: Craig Anderson (craigkanderson23 at
Cahc mailing list
Cahc at

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