[cahc] Opening Day of Healey Season May 5th

Lois-Buhman neilandlois at comcast.net
Wed May 2 17:17:44 MDT 2018

Weather is looking good for our Opening Day of Healey Season tour and


We will leave Southcenter Starbucks at 10 am and travel the Issaquah/Hobart
Road through Black Diamond to Buckley.


We will stop behind Wallys Drive In for a bathroom break. (River Road).


If you want to meet us there, we should arrive in Buckley between 10:45 am
and 11 am.


Let me know if you plan to meet us there.  I would hate to leave without


We will then tour on to Graham to Frontier Park for our picnic.  We should
arrive at the park by noon.


Bring your own picnic.  I will supply s'more makings---along with Terry
McDermott's Peeps.


Lois Buhman

Activity Coordinator

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