[Roadsters] Water pump, carpet, and wiring harness

Eddie eddietude at socal.rr.com
Sat Jun 12 20:32:41 MDT 2010

Then dump that u20 motor altogether!

Sent from my iPhone plz excuse typing errors.

On Jun 12, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Phill Brook <fairlady at bigpond.com> wrote:

> Sadly no-one has found an off-the-shelf alternative to the U20 water  
> pump in the last 43 years and I don't think they'll find one anytime  
> soon.
> Phill B
> On 13/06/2010, at 11:16 AM, Eddie wrote:
>> Whoops!
>> Thought that was a 1600.
>> Haven't looked for U20 motor parts, but I wouldn't be surprised if  
>> they too, could be found at auto parts stores, or even online for a  
>> heck of a lot less than what is considered "normal".
>> vze2fhba at verizon.net wrote:
>>> wait for it.......don't mince facts with Stan....he knows things :)
>>> Charlie B
>>> Jun 13, 2010 01:03:14 AM, az589 at lafn.org wrote:
>>>    Which Nissan/ Datsun forklift used a U20 engine?
>>>    Stan
>>>    ==================
>>>    At 10:50 AM 6/12/2010, Eddie wrote:
>>>    >Suggestion:
>>>    >
>>>    >Get a water pump from a Forklift place for the H2) motor. Exact
>>>    >same thing, a fraction of the cost.
>>>    >
>>>    >OR, go to Pep boys, or any other auto parts store, and you can  
>>> order
>>>    >decent aftermarket pumps for a fraction of what the vendors and
>>>    >dealers sell them for.
>>>    >
>>>    >Wiring harness...
>>>    >
>>>    >Go the "painless" route. The stock wiring harnesses in these  
>>> cars
>>>    >is garbage. Too many circuits on too few fuses on too thin  
>>> wires...
>>>    >it's a reciepe for problems...
>>>    >
>>>    >Eddie

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