[Roadsters] Why do I do this (was: Re: Tottally Of Topic...)

John F Sandhoff sandhoff at csus.edu
Mon Jan 24 15:11:10 MST 2011

Our list manager ponders:

> What fun, another hijacked address.  Sometimes I do
> wonder why I keep these lists alive.

You do it, Mark, because you know in your heart how much your list
members appreciate what you do. There's still a significant group
of us old-timers that rely on the information shared on these lists,
and we'd be cast adrift if not for your ongoing efforts.

Your lament made me realize that it's been too long since I've
contributed to the cause, so I just used Paypal to rectify that :-)

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   sandhoff at csus.edu   Sacramento, CA

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