[Fot] Engine Oil - FW: Rotella Ask Our Expert

Clark W. Nicholls clarkfot at cwnicholls.net
Mon Nov 5 07:41:28 MST 2007

I don't know what the consensus was on the engine oil thread previously in
this group...
I was at the SEMA show last week and spoke to the Shell Answer person there,
he told me more than I could retain!!
Here is an email I got in reply to my inquiry on the rotella website to the
answer man (see last portion).
I would think that pertinent questions can be referred back to Richard Moore
at Shell...  
Clark W. Nicholls
-----Original Message-----
From: AskShell at Shell.com [mailto:AskShell at Shell.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 9:21 AM
To: cwnicholls at aol.com
Subject: RE: Rotella Ask Our Expert: Other

Clark, Rotella T with Triple Protection 15W-40 CJ-4 has approximately 1200
ppm zinc. This is 50% more zinc than current passenger car motor oils (API
SM/ILSAC GF-4) which contain approximately 800 ppm zinc. Passenger car motor
oils had approximately 1200 ppm zinc prior to 2001. In 2001 the zinc was
reduced to 1000 ppm and in 2005 reduced again to the current 800 ppm. 
Thus, the new Rotella T with Triple Protection 15W-40 CJ-4 has the same zinc
content that passenger car motor oils had in 2000 before the current
problems with flat tappet engines began. 


If you have any additional questions, please call us at 1-800-231-6950.
Thank you for your interest in Shell products.

Richard Moore
Staff Engineer
Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.
Westhollow Technology Center, PO Box 4327, Houston, TX 77210, United States
of America

-----Original Message-----
From: cwnicholls at aol.com [mailto:cwnicholls at aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 8:24 AM
To: askshell, SLUBE-GSMR/5
Subject: Rotella Ask Our Expert: Other

ROTELLA.com E-mail Form
NAME               Clark W. Nicholls
E-MAIL ADDRESS     cwnicholls at aol.com
SUBJECT            Other
I spoke with one of you at the SEMA show Friday in the final hour of the
show concerning Rotella and old British cars with flat tappet cams (brought
on by the change in chemicals in the oils, phosphorous, zink, etc).  He
mentioned that there is information on this subject on the rotella website,
but I need help in finding this.  I would like to pass this information on
to my Triumph compatriots ASAP as there is much discussion on this subject
in the Triumph automobile racing group.

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